Showing posts with label Magento. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Magento. Show all posts

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

WordPress and Magento. To integrate or not

Blogging is the big part of company’s marketing activities and blog extensions are widely needed as a part of web-site. Therefore these two very powerful platforms are often integrated together. Magneto is used for  managing products, inventory, sales, payment gateways and pages, while WordPress is for blog posts.

Why WordPress?
  • First of all, there are two main reasons to add a blog to your web-site. The first is community interaction. The second is SEO content generation. And for both purposes, WordPress is the fully functional solution.
The rich SEO features built into WordPress like:
  • pingbacks, which notify your website when someone posts an article about it
  • trackbacks, which notifies a website when you post an article referencing it
These features are free at WordPress and create a rich network of backlinks. None of any Magento extensions provide these features.
  • The Magento WordPress Integration is invisible to your end user
You have the ability to customise the fields you need . WordPress  skin is identical to your Magento theme and vice versa, you can leave your CSS files and graphics in the Magento instance.
  • Flexible WordPress Plugins
There are thousands of  WordPress plugins that can improve and add the huge amount of  features and functionality to your WordPress blog.
Learn IT Delight’s successful stories based on Magento and WordPress integration:

Bringing it all together, Magento and WordPress integration  gives the user the full flexibility of WordPress and the powerful product inventory system of Magento. Building an e-Commerce store, you can use Magento as a backend and WordPress as a frontend.
WordPress blog integrated on Mangento website is the great way to promote your online store and bring more customers to your online business.

Friday, 6 December 2013

Yii vs Magento

Yii Magento
Category Framework Online Shop System
Web application framework

Preference (53% global votes) (43% global votes)
Website www.​yiiframework.​com www.​magentocommerce.​com
License New BSD License OSL 3.0
System requirements
Operating system Cross-platform Cross-platform
Programming language PHP PHP
Memory recommended ? 512 MB
Memory minimum ? 256 MB
Description Yii is a high-performance, component-based PHP framework for developing large-scale Web applications rapidly. It enables maximum reusability in Web programming and can significantly accelerate your Web application development process. Magento is a Dynamic & Robust eCommerce Platform
Tag MVC ?
Multi-user system Yes Yes
Autofocus Yes ?
Pingback Yes Yes
Extension/Plug-in Yes Conditional
Interpreter Yes ?
Database MySQL MySQL

Trackback Yes Yes
Multilingual content Yes Yes
Database model Relational Object-relational

Transactions Yes ?
Unicode Yes Yes
WYSIWYG-Editor Yes Yes
Multiple projects Yes Yes
Standard compliance Yes Yes
External pages Yes No
User statistics Yes Yes
Revision control Yes Yes
Atomicity Yes ?
Isolation Yes ?
Horizontal scalable Yes No
Template language Mustache PHP

Target audience Beginner Web Development
Web Development
Cloud computing
App developer
System Adminstration

Framework Yii Zend Framework
Full text search Yes Yes
Scaffolding Yes Yes
Design pattern Active-Record Model-View-Controller

Development principles Convention over configuration ?
Test-driven development
Don't repeat yourself

Difficulty level Intermediate Intermediate
Application startup time 1 ms 1 m
Version number 1.1.14 1.8
Adobe Flash Support Yes Yes
PSR-0 compliant Yes ?
Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) Yes Yes
Popularity (60% global votes) (67% global votes)
Machine Code Generation Yes Yes
Documentation level ★★★★☆ ★★★☆☆
Multi tasking Yes ?
RESTful Yes Yes
Wastebag Yes ?
Code Generation Yes ?
Dynamic typing Yes Yes
Composite keys Yes ?
Programming paradigm Object-oriented Object-oriented

Comments Yes Yes
Multiple categories Yes Yes
Hierarchical menus Yes Yes
Scripting language support JavaScript Prototype
PHP JavaScript
Free to use Yes Yes
Backend PHP PHP
Active Yes Yes
Database Connection Pooling No Yes
Separate Service Layer Yes ?
Web Flows Yes ?
Heroku Support No ?
Creation Date Jan-08 2008
Community Driven Excellent Basic
Wizard Yes ?
WSDL Yes ?
Reliability ★★★★★ ★★★☆☆
Versioning Good Basic
Custom queries Excellent Basic
Input Widgets Yes ?
Layout Structure Template Yes Yes
File Assets Yes Yes
API Good Good
Compiled language No ?
XML Aware Good Good
Client/Server code reuse Model-View-Controller ?
Batch Processing Yes ?
Cloud platform support Amazon EC2 ?
Amazon S3
digital ocean
ucloud biz
Windows Azure

Admin Generator Yes Yes
Compiler No ?
Library file size 10 MB ?
API comprehensibility ★★★★☆ ★★☆☆☆
Webmail Yes Yes
Jobs Oportunities ★★★★☆ ★★★★★
Implementation flexibility (49% global votes) (0% global votes)
Out-of-the-box functionality (53% global votes) (25% global votes)
Throttling Yes ?
Bundle system Yes Yes
Annotation Support Yes ?
Query Cache Yes Yes
Realtime Yes ?
Data Security Yes Yes
Community feedback ★★★★★ ★★☆☆☆
Ease of use ★★★★★ ★★★★☆
Malicious Injection Prevention Yes ?
Openshift Paas Support No ?
Copy, Cut and Paste Support Yes ?
Free for commercial use Yes ?
ORM Yes ?
Realtime Server Push Yes Yes
Easy of Use Yes ?
Sexiness 100 101
Open Source Yes Yes
Web Developer Toolbar Yes ?
XQuery Support No ?
Websocket Support No ?
Maven support Yes ?
Resource File Processing Yes ?
Partial Classes Yes ?
Perfomance ★★★★★ ★★★★☆
Database migrations Yes Yes
I like it Yes Yes
Debug Mode Yes Yes
Static Typing Yes ?
Click & Edit in Place / WYSIWYG Yes ?
Autocomplete Code Yes ?
UI framewrok 8 ?
Makes you angry No Yes
Test 3 g ?
Easy to Learn Yes No
Ajax Yes ?
User management Yes ?
ORM Join Support Yes ?
Object-Oriented Views Yes ?
Object Oriented Models Yes ?
Mobile ready Yes ?
ACL Yes ?
Requests per second 851 ?
Operating system server Cross-platform ?
Package Manager Yes ?
Easy Setup Yes ?
Jquery Yes ?
Costanzia Yes ?
Grey 50 m ?
Protein ? 18
Browser support ? Firefox
Internet Explorer